Battery Reconditioner : Easy Way to make Your Own Battery Business at home

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On the day of today, and age, there is a constant need to save money (and to help do our part to keep the Earth safer and more environmentally friendly, too). Thus, many DIY projects are more and more popular – and this includes DIY battery reconditioning of projects. Of course car batteries, or any other form of battery will finally be losing its power and die down. Most of us simply take the battery to the recycling center and buy a new. However, dying batteries can still be revived thanks to rejuvenate the battery .

While you can have your car batteries reconditioned service workshops, service may be expensive. You can earn more money, however, if you choose to do DIY project. Battery reconditioning can be easily, so there is a good guide to follow. Indeed, there are instructions available for free on the internet, and you can search by piecing together information from articles that you can find in the internet, but a guide has many benefits to help you in your DIY project. A few good things on the use of a good how to guide include:

-Guides provide access to complete information. A good guide will provide not only you the steps to follow in the battery reconditioning, you obtiendrez also an overview of the thing, how it works and the science behind it all. A guide will introduce you to some parts of the battery and materials required for the battery reconditioning.

Apart that you’ll also get the right information in the order. The difference based on the articles online, a guide will present to you information in a chronological order to help you move easily through the process of reconditioning. No more searches and scratching your head as you wonder what side.

-A how to guide, including a good, will contain expert information for people who have had first hand experience in reconditioning batteries. Most guides will have also all the necessary information covered. As they are written to help beginners or inexperienced people in mind, guides will certainly cover most common issues that you may request.

-Guides are visually helpful, too. Sometimes it is difficult to follow a guide of all the words. Pictures and diagrams can help – and more how to guides for battery reconditioning include photos with their instructions. Some high range guides can also same feature videos that show clearly how the process should be done.

A guide to repackaging of battery must not be very expensive-, it is preferable not to consider as an another senseless spending. It provides appropriate information and safety tips to help you pass with your DIY project successfully and safely.


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Open Wet Cells Batteries

Usually, if a car battery holds more fairly has a charge, build you and buy a new. You do not have to do so. You can always bring your battery life by a process called repackaging.

Battery degradation is most often caused by sulfation, which is the result of sulfur crystalizing on is lead plates, thereby generating an electric charge. When restore you the car batteries, you are actually break crystals of sulfur and reduce its ability to generate electric charges. This process can work for up to five times until you can finally say that it is indeed time to throw your battery .

Advantages of batteryreconditioning

There are several reasons why you need to recondition car batteries and one of the main reasons should be to help save the environment. Statistics indicate that approximately 50% of batteries are disposed in landfills simply because the owners did not know that they can still be rehabilitated. Now that you know that it is possible, you can start helping reduce the amount of waste in our landfills from repackaging your own batteries.

Repackaging your batteries can also help you to save a considerable amount of money. With the increase in the cost of news, it is certainly very practical get as much use as you can out of your existing car battery. But this is not all; battery reconditioning can even help to earn money on the side. Many people did not know to recondition batteries and is simply too busy to learn. Offer to rehabilitate their batteries at a rate much lower than what is charged in auto stores and you are sure to have a home-based business moderated.

Here’s how to get on the battery reconditioning process:

  1.  The test voltage battery. It should save a minimum of 12 volts. Moreover, it is ready for a trip to the landfill.
  2. Heat half a quart of distilled water to 150 degrees f.ahrenheit and then dissolve eight ounces of inside Epsom salts.
  3. Remove battery caps. For sealed batteries, drill a hole in the shadow plugs that cover the openings.
  4.  Drain the battery of any fluid and then fill each cell with the Epsom Salt solution. Use a plastic funnel to avoid leaks.
  5. Replace battery caps or insert rubber plugs in the holes and then shake the battery to ensure that the solution is continuous in the cells of the battery .
  6. Place the battery on slow load for about 24 hours and then to test it. It may be necessary to recharge the battery for another two or three days to return to full capacity for work.

Practice working on an old or abandoned battery. Once you have mastered the process, you can proceed with your own car batteryreconditioning. You can also start your battery reconditioning business home as soon as you are confident that you know the process, and the back of your hand.

Single Step By Step Battery Reconditioning Proccess in Pictures:

First Step

The first step to take is the voltage of your battery to test with a hand held meter. You need to do this, because if the tension reads not less than 12 volts, there may be a defective cell in your battery. You should carefully avoid wasting your time on batteries which are not economic repair and test of tension is the first step of doing…

Not Good Battery

Good For Reconditioning

 This will be very important finish this first stage, completely and correctly well. If for some reason some you may not perform correctly, and if the battery will read not 12 volts, it is probably better to move to the next one. You can always go back and test each cell individually at a later date.

Second Step

The second step is to test the liquid battery itself using a hydrometer, (available at your car local repair or hardware). Only it soak in each liquid tank and aspirate a sample of the fluid in the reservoir. The ampoule must float in the green zone to its scale. You should avoid here is to get any liquid on your skin or clothing, because it is acidic and can burn. Also, if not sealed battery a.030 (sometimes expressed in 30 “points”) or more of the specific gravity difference between the minimum and maximum reading cells, you need to equalize the battery with an electrolytic fluid battery solution additive. These additives are available online or in car parts stores.

Replacing Water

Checking Electrolyte
The last step is to fully recharge the battery. This is very important because if your battery is not fully recharged it may be unreliable. What is important to avoid is when connecting the charger circuit always connect red lead or the first positive and only finished disconnect black or negative first. This way no there are no sparks in the terminals.



Charging Lead Acid Batteries With Smart Charger

Go through the steps as outlined above and everything should go well. You have handled reconditioning an old car battery quickly and easily. Keep just the steps in the order, for the reasons explained, while carefully avoiding the pitfalls, problems and possible errors mentioned. Then enjoy the fruits and big things on with refurbished your car battery. Don’t forget to it is a skill you can perform for others, and you cal also resell batteries reconditioned for much less than a new. It is money that you will be won by your time and your energy only, you can take old batteries to rehabilitate the free of charge.

I used Pictures of Big Batteries and not car batteries, don’t worry about it,  the principle is the same for car batteries, the only difference is the voltage and the size so let’s do it, go ahead with your battery reconditioning Business.