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  • greenproductsolutionpr 12:53 am on May 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , battery reconditioning report, , reconditioning laptop battery   

    The lead acid battery charger 

    It is important to choose the right battery charger for lead-acid battery. The way in which we also charge the battery is also very important as well. It is said that we should not deep cycle lead-acid battery even if they say that they can be. What this means is for optimal performance of these batteries should be charged when they lose somewhere between 50-60% of their charge and not lose most of their support. How then also charge us the battery is the other important factor.

    Most of the major part of the charge should be put first and then the rest of the smallest load should follow. However this initial charge in bulk must be regulated also. Implement loading too high in the battery may cause excessive heat and allow loop battery plates and deform. This could lead plates to short circuit over a period of time and you may find that you have a bad cell which will never recover. Some more recent battery chargers are intended to compensate for temperature changes and change the rate of charge accordingly. The car last recharge systems are supposed to be sophisticated enough to adapt and maintain your battery to optimal load, but in fact, it appears that does not always happen.

    The charger after manufacture you choose should have the opportunity to have a pricing and monitoring system on it even. These types of chargers should be able to load cells lower when necessary, but not so free in stronger cells. The danger of charging a battery too quickly may thermal runaway and cause battery hot and possibly explode. This is why these sophisticated loaders are better but can be more expensive to buy in the first place. If the cost is a batteries charge of net issue is a more secure way to keep your batteries in a State security tip top.If the charger is not a monitoring system to stop the charge when the battery is full then you will need to remember to switch off charger yourself when the charge gets to full capacity.

    The best way to keep the batteries in mind for cars which are not used and is often to use a battery conditioner. These monitor the circulation of the aware all the time and should keep your battery in good condition all the time, and these can be left on throughout the year. It is always a good idea to turn off these conditioners from time to time to let the batteries discharge naturally as the process of discharge is always necessary to keep your battery in good condition.


  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:52 am on April 26, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , battery reconditioning report, electrolyte, recondition batteries,   

    Car battery reconditioning-10 tips to improve his life 

    In this article, I outline 10 tips for the repackaging of battery of car to reduce its operating costs now correctly lead-acid battery. Statistically, a standard car will need battery replacement every two years, so taking good care of its battery , you can increase that.
    Then, here are the 10 repackaging of battery and car maintenance tips:
    1) Do maintenance routine. To maintain the State of the battery, you will need to charge and recharge the battery often.
    2) The depth of discharge of the battery must be reduced to avoid too worn.
    3) Overload not battery. It may result in a loss of power.
    4) When your battery reaches 80% load status, you must reload to prevent sulfation, a process to obtain crystals in metal in the batteryplates, thereby reducing power.
    5) To the extent possible, its best to use a switch to disconnect other car appliances that suck energy, however, this may cause the reset of the car clock and other issues that depend on the battery – consult with a technician certified in first.
    6) 10.5 v is the limit for him to be released. Not less than that.
    7) Pour water into the battery after filling, not before!
    8) Not overheating the battery – I not stress this enough.
    9) While charging place wind on battery caps to prevent loss of water of gassing.
    10) And being a friendly guy to the environment, please recycle the lead and plastic or batteries!
    My Partner Adam is Also an expert in car battery reconditioning, as well as in many other projects to do it yourself (DIY). Adam found a profitable new market, the constantly growing demand trend of mobile equipment which require batteries and began exploring it create for him an outstanding opportunity.

  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:21 am on March 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , battery reconditioning report, , ,   

    You are a DIY – Try repackaging of car Batteries Type 

    The last time that I bought a new battery for my car, I got a credit of $12.00 for turning the former is. This helps to offset the cost of the new battery, but what happens if you kept and restored again. You have an alternative good battery to have on hand for an emergency or for someone else to use.
    I think that few people are aware of the possibility of reconditioning batteries. The process for years, but was not widely discussed. It is probably not for everyone to try, you can buy just new batteries, but much do-it-yourself do love the chance to bring a battery life and return to work and save money.

    There are many who went on to make a business part-time or this full-time. There are a few ways this approach. One is to rehabilitate the batteries which people return for a fee. Another is to get the batteries which were thrown or nobody wants, rehabilitate the and resell them at a discount.
    The tools you need can be purchased locally and are not expensive. If you want to just restore the batteries at home for yourself, family and friends you could get by with less. If you are a business, you should get more tools so you can return batteries more at a given time.
    Battery reconditioning is not limited to automobile batteries. You can restore the golf carts and fork lift batteries and most other rechargeable batteries used in the home. If you use electrical tools such as the exercises of the battery , you you save lots of money their reconditioning, as opposed to the purchase of new expensive.

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