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  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:52 am on March 29, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , battery reconditioning business, recondition battery free, ,   

    The process and benefits when you recondition car Batteries 

    Usually, if a car battery holds more fairly has a charge, build you and buy a new. You do not have to do so. You can always bring your battery life by a process called repackaging.

    Battery degradation is most often caused by sulfation, which is the result of sulfur crystalizing on is lead plates, thereby generating an electric charge. When restore you the car batteries, you are actually break crystals of sulfur and reduce its ability to generate electric charges. This process can work for up to five times until you can finally say that it is indeed time to throw your battery .

    Advantages of batteryreconditioning

    There are several reasons why you need to recondition car batteries and one of the main reasons should be to help save the environment. Statistics indicate that approximately 50% of batteries are disposed in landfills simply because the owners did not know that they can still be rehabilitated. Now that you know that it is possible, you can start helping reduce the amount of waste in our landfills from repackaging your own batteries.

    Repackaging your batteries can also help you to save a considerable amount of money. With the increase in the cost of news, it is certainly very practical get as much use as you can out of your existing car battery. But this is not all; battery reconditioning can even help to earn money on the side. Many people did not know to recondition batteries and is simply too busy to learn. Offer to rehabilitate their batteries at a rate much lower than what is charged in auto stores and you are sure to have a home-based business moderated.

    Here’s how to get on the battery reconditioning process:

    1. The test voltage battery. It should save a minimum of 12 volts. Moreover, it is ready for a trip to the landfill.
    2 Heat half a quart of distilled water to 150 degrees f.ahrenheit and then dissolve eight ounces of inside Epsom salts.
    3 Remove battery caps. For sealed batteries, drill a hole in the shadow plugs that cover the openings.
    4. Drain the battery of any fluid and then fill each cell with the Epsom Salt solution. Use a plastic funnel to avoid leaks.
    5 Replace battery caps or insert rubber plugs in the holes and then shake the battery to ensure that the solution is continuous in the cells of the battery .
    6 Place the battery on slow load for about 24 hours and then to test it. It may be necessary to recharge the battery for another two or three days to return to full capacity for work.

    Practice working on an old or abandoned battery. Once you have mastered the process, you can proceed with your own car batteryreconditioning. You can also start your battery reconditioning business home as soon as you are confident that you know the process, and the back of your hand.

    Reconditioning batteries can save you thousands of dollars. I have actually put batteries as a side business (and it is very profitable). If you want to learn how to recondition batteries, see: recondition car Batteries

  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:52 am on March 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , how to recondition batteries at home   

    Why is my car battery dead and What I Can Do About It? 

    Have you ever thought about what makes a car battery work its magic? It is one of those things that we take for granted, we get in the car and go, and when he died, ask us why is my car battery dead? Read below for some basic information about what is happening in the construction of the battery and how it relates to our service of cars.
    What is happening, is that our car battery produces an electric charge through a chemical reaction in the battery. This electrical current is used to feed the starter that starts the engine of cars and fuels also all accessories in the car.
    The Interior of the battery are lead positive and negative plates which react with an electrolyte solution they are sitting in. This reaction causes the electrons to move from a plate to another causing tension. The electrolytic solution is a mixture of water and sulphuric acid. When the battery is fully charged this water and a mixture of sulfuric acid is the acid water and 35% to 65%.

    Battery Shorts

    This causes a battery fail or die? If you live where it gets really cold plates may break off because of the expansion and contraction. Snowflakes may accumulate at the bottom of the battery case and create a Brown mud which in turn can cause a short.
    In warm climates, the problem can be positive corrosion or the grid positive growth. The plates are same loop of extreme heat. All these will reduce your batterylife. It is said that you might get a good life 3 years of your battery in warm climates.

    Several times a battery which was supposed to be dead can reconditioned return to usable condition again. This can be done by instruments in spending that you can buy locally and at home. This can save you from having a battery go dead on you, or have to buy a new battery. You can even take batteries that will be disposed of free and back to State. To learn more about it, go to Restoring the car Batteries.

  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:52 am on March 15, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , the truth about reconditioning lead acid batteries   

    To restore a car battery – Quick Fix for a dead battery 

    Car battery, usually lead-acid, is 12 volts with six 2 volt cells connected in series and the Navy, usually deep cycle batteries are expensive to replace. The main cause of the damage to lead accumulators is sitting to the left for some time.
    Weather is the main factor for any marine battery failure. Car batteries are the same when the car is stored or not used for months.
    Adding a then new additive battery will extend the car battery life and battery , will have a better answer to repackaging.
    Cars and battery sailors have a limited life to run the electrical supply systems in the car or the vessel at the highest level of efficiency.

    The effect of the battery died.

    The efficiency of the battery decreases when used in excess and slowly usually decreases due to the battery plate sulfation which is the most common cause of decreased battery performance in lead acid car batteries.
    Sulpfation occurs when sulphur collects on lead plates in the battery, blocking the electric current. It is not difficult to rehabilitate the cars battery at home by a guide.
    This stops the production of electricity between the plates, and when the battery should restore or reconditioning.


    “Epsom salts, distilled water and a voltmeter. Sulpfation causes irreversible lead plates corrosion so that this process will work two or three times. It is a simple process to try to get your battery of return to execution. ยป
    Test your car battery to see if it meets the repackaging. To restore a car battery at home, she must register 12 volts on a voltmeter.
    You can restore the full system, 10 Volt battery , car battery reads between 10 and 12 volts or less you probably have a cell [Volt 2] collapsed and reconditioning of the battery can be a waste of time.

    1. Sulfuric acid dangerous for humans and the environment contain car batteries
    2 Work only in a well-ventilated
    3. Do work not around or near open flames.
    4. Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses.
    5. If you receive acid on your skin, wash with plenty of water immediately.

  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:21 am on March 10, 2011 Permalink | Reply
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    You are a DIY – Try repackaging of car Batteries Type 

    The last time that I bought a new battery for my car, I got a credit of $12.00 for turning the former is. This helps to offset the cost of the new battery, but what happens if you kept and restored again. You have an alternative good battery to have on hand for an emergency or for someone else to use.
    I think that few people are aware of the possibility of reconditioning batteries. The process for years, but was not widely discussed. It is probably not for everyone to try, you can buy just new batteries, but much do-it-yourself do love the chance to bring a battery life and return to work and save money.

    There are many who went on to make a business part-time or this full-time. There are a few ways this approach. One is to rehabilitate the batteries which people return for a fee. Another is to get the batteries which were thrown or nobody wants, rehabilitate the and resell them at a discount.
    The tools you need can be purchased locally and are not expensive. If you want to just restore the batteries at home for yourself, family and friends you could get by with less. If you are a business, you should get more tools so you can return batteries more at a given time.
    Battery reconditioning is not limited to automobile batteries. You can restore the golf carts and fork lift batteries and most other rechargeable batteries used in the home. If you use electrical tools such as the exercises of the battery , you you save lots of money their reconditioning, as opposed to the purchase of new expensive.

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