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  • greenproductsolutionpr 12:53 am on May 17, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: acid battery reconditioning, , , , secrets of lead-acid batteries   

    Lead Acid Battery Recycling 

    Recycling of batteries , it is good for the Earth and good for future generations. Recycling ofbatteries , it is the Act of processing used or abandoned of batteries, which would otherwise be considered waste and harmful to the environment. Many communities have collection services to assist recycling of batteries and battery , recycling across the country, where the waste batteries can be worn. Often times battery recycling centers pay you for dropping a spent battery off the coast, it is a win-win situation.

    There are many misconceptions about what material may or may not be recycled. These misconceptions hamper success and profitability of recycling programs around the world. However, with the education of consumers, recycling can be a very important and environmentally sound waste management solution.

    Why conduct recycling?
    Lead is a material that is very easy to recycle. Can be re-melted several times and provided enough process to remove impurities. The final product (called secondary lead) is indistinguishable in any way the primary lead produced from ore.

    The amount of lead recycled as a proportion of the total production is already relatively high throughout the world. 50% Of consumed lead is derived from recycled or reused materials.
    Lead recycling rates are estimated to be much higher than other materials.

    Driving benefits of recycling the batteries
    Recovery of scrap metal has the advantages that it is easier and much less energy intensive than the production of primary lead from ore (the production of recycled lead requires 35-40% of the energy required to produce a lead ore). Recycling also reduces the dispersion of lead in the environment and preserves the mineral resources for the future. It is estimated that at least 85 percent of lead consumption could potentially be recycled. However, in practice, the amount that is recovered is lower.

    Lead batteryscrap

    Lead Battery scrap is a hazardous waste & hazardous disposal creates environmental problems & health heavy. Recycling is essential, beneficial & cost-effective compared to the costs of processing & careful elimination. Secondary lead production (recycling) of the outcome of the scrap metal in less waste, consumes less power & reduces the consumption of mineral resources to the production of lead ores.

    Role in the Production
    The role of recycling in metal production continues to grow. Due to the high value of metals, economic considerations are generally sufficient to ensure reasonably high rates of recycling and the efforts to increase. Environmental concerns currently play a secondary role.



    Limitation of recycling:
    Some products of lead are not recycled, either because it is not economic to do so at the present time, or just simply because it is not practical to do so. However, recycling rates generally increase. Legislative and economic factors are two of the main incentives for this increase.

    Resources to increase the recycling rate
    Improvement of systems of management of waste, such as incentives for the recovery of the battery , the guidelines for the management of the old building materials, old vehicles, electronics, quality waste more strict requirements for materials and also the technical production of dumping progress tend to generate higher rates of recycling.


  • greenproductsolutionpr 1:52 am on March 15, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , secrets of lead-acid batteries, the truth about reconditioning lead acid batteries   

    To restore a car battery – Quick Fix for a dead battery 

    Car battery, usually lead-acid, is 12 volts with six 2 volt cells connected in series and the Navy, usually deep cycle batteries are expensive to replace. The main cause of the damage to lead accumulators is sitting to the left for some time.
    Weather is the main factor for any marine battery failure. Car batteries are the same when the car is stored or not used for months.
    Adding a then new additive battery will extend the car battery life and battery , will have a better answer to repackaging.
    Cars and battery sailors have a limited life to run the electrical supply systems in the car or the vessel at the highest level of efficiency.

    The effect of the battery died.

    The efficiency of the battery decreases when used in excess and slowly usually decreases due to the battery plate sulfation which is the most common cause of decreased battery performance in lead acid car batteries.
    Sulpfation occurs when sulphur collects on lead plates in the battery, blocking the electric current. It is not difficult to rehabilitate the cars battery at home by a guide.
    This stops the production of electricity between the plates, and when the battery should restore or reconditioning.


    “Epsom salts, distilled water and a voltmeter. Sulpfation causes irreversible lead plates corrosion so that this process will work two or three times. It is a simple process to try to get your battery of return to execution. ยป
    Test your car battery to see if it meets the repackaging. To restore a car battery at home, she must register 12 volts on a voltmeter.
    You can restore the full system, 10 Volt battery , car battery reads between 10 and 12 volts or less you probably have a cell [Volt 2] collapsed and reconditioning of the battery can be a waste of time.

    1. Sulfuric acid dangerous for humans and the environment contain car batteries
    2 Work only in a well-ventilated
    3. Do work not around or near open flames.
    4. Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses.
    5. If you receive acid on your skin, wash with plenty of water immediately.

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